“From Daisies’ Bondage and Stained-Glass to Divine Promises: A Narrative of Renewed Purpose Blooms”

“Navigating Grief: Lessons from Genesis and Personal Reflections”



The Genesis Exploration: While studying the Book of Genesis, I encountered profound lessons. However, Chapter 24 presented a unique challenge due to Abraham’s grief over Sarah’s loss.

The Universality of Death: Death is an intricate topic that touches every human life. We all grapple with its reality.

Facing the Uncomfortable

Divine Prompting: Ignoring difficult passages isn’t an option when we know God. His Word compels us to engage with uncomfortable truths.

Rediscovering Hidden Poetry: As I revisited my old poetry and shared it on my website, I confronted buried emotions related to death. Not only for the husband Bryan at Age 27 that I lost in 1996 and the poem that I had written about his suicide but also the deaths I encountered in childhood, and the poem I had written to a mother of a child departing life way too soon.

Personal Encounters with Loss

Early Memories: Attending a funeral as a child, I questioned why someone was in a casket. The explanation—that she had gone to sleep and wouldn’t wake up—left a lasting impression.

My Brother Phillip: At age 9, I lost my beloved brother, Phillip. Our last argument haunted me; I’d wished him dead in anger and declared my hate of him. The guilt and shame lingered through the years.

Amber’s Tragic End: My little cousin, Amber: Age 7, was murdered. Her funeral remains a blur, but her brother’s pain and unanswered questions are etched in my memory.

Seeking Closure: Visiting Phillip and Amber’s Graves: In 2023 a trip to Franklin, Nebraska, I visited their final resting place; as I sat at the foot of their graves, I found some solace for myself, and God’s forgiveness gently eased some of my burdens.

A Families Unresolved Grief

Amber Sky’s Unsolved Murder: 38 years later, this death would resurface.  Recently, my daughter discovered an article about Amber’s unsolved murder while she was visiting her husband’s family in Oklahoma. She shared with me that it was a topic of unsolved mysteries in search of answers, and focused on the pierce of the pain her brother still carries. and it weighs heavily on my heart today, my soul weeps for him.

Brother Lonnie’s Tragic Fire: In 2000, my brother Lonnie Age 21 died, when a home he was visiting had become a target for a drive by bombing, through their living room window. Everyone fled to the basement, where my brother was busy getting others out a basement window he died of smoke asphyxiation.

Parental Loss: Both my parents and grandparents have passed away. The pain of losing a child is unimaginable. Yet my own Mother, Father and Uncle knew this sorrow.

A Healing Gesture

Daisies and Poetry: Years ago, I wrote a heartfelt poem for a grieving mother who had lost her daughter in a drowning accident. Daisies accompanied my words.

Planting Seeds of Healing: Though I may never see her again, I believe that day planted a seed of healing through prayer.

“Rainbows, Daisies, and the Unfolding Legacy”

Peeling Layers of the Soul

Soul’s Resilience: Sometimes, we must peel away the layers of our hardened souls—those protective shells we’ve built—to uncover deeper truths. In my journey, I found that vulnerability often leads to divine revelations.

God’s Whisper: As I revisited old wounds, I discovered God’s message waiting for me. It’s as if He whispered, “Look beyond the pain; there’s purpose in your scars.”

Rainbows and Daisies: Symbols of Hope

Rainbows: These celestial arcs bridge heaven and earth. They emerge after storms, reminding us that even in life’s tempests, there’s beauty and promise. Rainbows symbolize hope, renewal, and God’s covenant with humanity.

Daisies: Simple, unpretentious, and resilient, daisies thrive in meadows and along roadsides. Their white petals radiate purity, while the sunny yellow centers evoke joy. Daisies represent innocence, healing, and the small miracles that dot our existence.

“The Birth of a New Story”

From Pain to Purpose: As I reflected on rainbows and daisies, a new story unfolded within me. It began with a poem—an offering of empathy and compassion to a grieving mother. The same daisies that adorned my words now held deeper significance.

Seeds of Healing: Perhaps it was the weight of my own grief—the layers I’d peeled—that allowed me to choose daisies. In that moment, I planted seeds of healing, not just for her but for myself.

“It Truly Is A Legacy in the Making”

My Life: has not at all; been sunshine, butterflies, daisies, and rainbows, it’s been touched by storms I would not rather revisit and pricked with the thorns of roses, lingering with a painful whisper of forget me not’s. Still without the journey down that path I would not see a future, I would not know that God has adorned my life with wings for his purpose.

Wings of Purpose: Our lives are like fragile wings, unfolding with purpose. Each experience, each scar, contributes to our legacy. As I grow in God’s glory and grace, I recognize that my pain isn’t wasted—it’s woven into the fabric of my story.

Hope and Healing: May this new story, birthed from pain and poetry, bring hope to others. Let it be a legacy of compassion, resilience, and the promise that even broken wings can soar.

I Bought Some Daisies Just To Brighten My Day

I bought some daisies just to brighten my day.

Roses just aren’t the same since you went away.

Forget me not’s aren’t something I need to pray.

They wouldn’t all fit in that vase of mine.

I pulled the petals one by one, repeating that old line.

He loves me – he loves me not, guess what – it turned out fine.

I bought some daisies just to brighten my day.

They did the job, they told me exactly – what you would say.

The colors of the rainbow they were, and faith they gave – of your love today.

Brenda Bayless

copyright 2003


Daisies are indeed special and carry a wealth of meaning and symbolism. Broadly, daisies represent rebirth, new beginnings, and hope. They are often associated with purity, innocence, and childhood, reflecting their simple yet striking beauty.

The etymological meaning of the daisy comes from the Old English “degas edge”, which means “day’s eye”. This name reflects the daisy’s habit of opening its petals at dawn and closing them at sunset.

From a spiritual perspective, daisies signify faith and eternal life. They’re also commonly given to new mothers as a symbol of childbirth and motherhood.

Daisies also have a place in art and literature, often symbolizing simplicity, and the bittersweet nature of childhood. They’re a popular choice for gifting on occasions that mark new beginnings, such as weddings or the birth of a child, due to their association with innocence and the start of a new journey.

When you see or give daisies, remember they’re not just flowers; they’re a symbol of hope, renewal, and the pure, joyful moments in life.

Red daisies symbolize deep love and passion. They are a bold expression of strong feelings.

Orange daisies represent excitement, warmth, and sunshine. They bring a sense of vibrant energy and enthusiasm.

Green daisies are less common but can symbolize growth, nature, and health. They remind us of the renewal of life.

Blue daisies stand for loyalty, trust, tranquility, and honesty. They evoke a sense of calm and steadfastness.

Purple daisies convey royalty, dignity, elegance, and admiration. They also indicate playfulness and charm.

White daisies symbolize purity and innocence.

Yellow daisies convey cheerfulness, friendship, joy, and are often given to wish someone well.

Pink daisies represent gentle admiration, affection, or adoration.

“The Beginning of Grace”

In the village where Grace lived, her garden was a canvas painted with the hues of life’s spectrum. The **red** of the daisies whispered of enduring love, a passion that even death could not quell. The **orange** blooms danced with the warmth of cherished memories, each petal a note in the melody of shared laughter. **Yellow** flowers shone like the sun, casting light on the intellect and energy that her loved ones had embodied.

The **green** daisies stood tall, symbolizing the growth and renewal that follows loss, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. **Blue** petals reflected the sky, offering a tranquil reminder of the loyalty and trust that binds us beyond the veil. The **indigo** daisies, rare and beautiful, spoke of the deeper understanding and intuition that comes with time and reflection.

**Violet** blooms added a touch of royalty to the garden, a nod to the dignity of each life and the creativity that continues to inspire. And amidst these vibrant colors, the **white** daisies held a special place. They were the clouds, the baby’s breath in the bouquet of existence, symbolizing the purity and innocence of the souls who had departed too soon.

Together, these colors formed a rainbow of remembrance, each shade a chapter in the story of Grace’s journey through grief and her embrace of God’s eternal love and provision. Grace’s beautiful garden touched many people’s lives throughout the years and became a living legacy and not a single visitor who came and went would ever forget, what they had left entrusted to Grace, for her to nurture – some other broken soul, in a moment of need.

May this story, along with my poem, offer comfort and hope to those who read my blog, reminding them of the enduring presence of God’s love even in times of loss. It’s a tale that intertwines the sting of death, grief, and the grace, love, and provision of God:

In a small village nestled between rolling hills and vibrant meadows, there lived a woman named Grace. Her life had been touched by loss more times than the petals of the daisies in her garden. Each loss, a petal fallen; her heart, a vase trying to hold the beauty of memories that could no longer be touched.

“Grace found solace in her garden, where the daisies grew wild and free. Each color whispered a different message: red spoke of love that never dies, orange danced with the joy of remembered laughter, yellow shined with the light of wisdom and energy, green hummed the tune of continuous growth, blue soothed with the promise of eternal loyalty, indigo offered a deeper understanding, and violet sang of the dignity in every life lived. Amidst them all, the white daisies stood serene, symbolizing the purity of innocence and the clouds of comfort that cradle us in times of sorrow.”

One day, as the sun dipped low, painting the sky in hues of grief and hope, Grace knelt by her garden and wept. Her tears watered the earth, and from that spot, a new daisy sprouted—a rainbow daisy, with petals of every color she had ever loved. Whispering through the breeze, for her to remain steadfast to a covenant made long ago. That she would find love again.

As the daisy grew, so did Grace’s understanding of the divine. She realized that each loss had not been a petal lost but a sum of small seeds planted. And from those seeds grew a garden of faith, each flower a testament to God’s grace, a reminder that love transcends the veil of death, and a promise that in every ending, there is a new beginning. Soon she would be welcoming another weary soul.

Grace’s garden had become a place of pilgrimage for those who grieved, a place where rainbow daisies bloomed year-round, offering a spectrum of God’s love. And in the heart of every visitor, the message took root: even in the sting of death, life prevails, and love endures, forever nurtured by the grace of the Almighty.

The symbolism of rainbow colors is rich and varied, often representing hope, promise, and transformation. Here’s a deeper look into the symbolism associated with each color of the rainbow:

Red: This color is often associated with enthusiasm, passion, security, and vitality. It’s a color that commands attention and is linked to strong emotions and energy.

Orange: A warm and vibrant color, orange symbolizes happiness, comfort, and creativity. It’s seen as a friendly and inviting color that can stimulate feelings of warmth.

Yellow: Known for representing cheerfulness, intellect, and energy, yellow is a bright and uplifting color that can evoke a sense of joy and positivity.

Green: This color is deeply connected to nature, growth, and health. It signifies renewal and life, often bringing a sense of balance and harmony.

Blue: Blue is the color of loyalty, trust, wisdom, and tranquility. It’s a calming color that can bring peace and serenity to the mind.

Indigo: Often associated with intuition, perception, and deep contemplation, indigo can represent a deeper level of consciousness and spiritual awareness.

Violet: The color violet is linked to royalty, spirituality, and nobility. It’s a mystical color that can inspire imagination and artistic creativity.

Together, these colors not only create the beautiful phenomenon we know as a rainbow, but they also symbolize the diversity and unity of life. Rainbows often emerge after rain, signifying a bridge between stormy times and brighter days ahead. They remind us of the beauty of existence and the harmony that can be found in diversity.

In many cultures and religions, rainbows are seen as a sign of hope and the promise of peace, luck, transformation, and new beginnings. They are also considered a symbol of God’s grace and the eternal life, reflecting the vast and encompassing love of the divine.

The rainbow, with its spectrum of colors, serves as a powerful metaphor for life’s journey, encompassing the full range of experiences from the challenges to the triumphs. It’s a reminder that even after the darkest storms, there can be beauty and light, encouraging us to remain hopeful and to trust in the promise of better times to come.

This rephrased story segment weaves the colors of the rainbow into the narrative, each with its symbolic meaning, and integrates the white daisy as a representation of purity and innocence, akin to clouds or the delicate breath of a newborn, reflecting the essence of the poem and the overarching story.

The concept of a rainbow as a prism of light offers a beautiful metaphorical canvas. In the allegory of life, a rainbow can be seen as a “prism of hope”, bending the light of our experiences into a spectrum of emotions and lessons. Here’s another allegorical piece that might resonate with you.

“The Stains of Brokenness”

In the village of Verdant Vale, there stood an ancient chapel with a modest stained-glass window. The villagers often spoke of the window’s unique charm, for it held a tiny, unassuming prism that caught the morning light.

One stormy evening, a traveler named Eli found refuge in the chapel. As dawn broke, the storm cleared, and the first rays of sunlight passed through the prism, scattering a cascade of colors across the stone floor.

Eli watched in awe as the colors danced like joyous spirits. The **red** was as deep as the love he felt for his family, the **orange** as warm as the laughter they shared. The **yellow** shone with the wisdom of his grandfather’s words, the **green** as vibrant as the growth he witnessed in his children. The **blue** was as steady as the loyalty of a true friend, the **indigo** as profound as the mysteries of life, and the **violet** as precious as the dreams he held close.

But it was the **white** light, the source of all colors, that held Eli’s gaze. It was pure and complete, like the innocence of a child or the comforting embrace of a mother’s love. It reminded him of the divine presence that weaves through the tapestry of life, holding every thread in place.

The “prism of hope” in the chapel’s window was more than just a spectacle of light; it reflected life itself. Each color told a story, each hued a chapter of joy, sorrow, love, and learning. And the white light, the sum of all colors, was the promise of peace and unity, a reminder that no matter how scattered our experiences may seem, they all originate from the same source of light and love.

This allegory uses the metaphor of a prism in a stained-glass window to illustrate how life’s diverse experiences can be refracted into a beautiful array of lessons and emotions, much like how a prism splits light into a rainbow. The inclusion of the white light symbolizes the purity and completeness of divine love, tying together the various threads of our lives into a coherent and hopeful narrative as our lord introduces another companion or friend into our life.

In the tapestry of my blog, where the allegory of Eli’s prism of hope meets the solace of Grace’s rainbow garden, their paths intertwine in a narrative that speaks to the healing power of shared experiences and the comfort found in understanding and empathy.

As the night turned to morning, Eli awoke to a delightful harvest of fruits, vegetables, fish, and bread for him to carry on his journey. Blessing the provisions left by some thoughtful stranger, he filled his stomach and prepared to travel on his path into the unknown.

Eli, carrying the weight of his journey, wandered through the village of Verdant Vale, drawn in by the countless tales, that he had often heard, of a magnificent garden where the daisies spoke in colors of the rainbow, and the joy and comfort that was to be found by every guest that entered its gates.

Not knowing how far he would travel, only that he was to follow the tugging of his heart that he would find his purpose when he arrived.  For the Lord himself had told him to go. Suddenly it appeared within the distance, as he approached the vibrant haven, he saw Grace, a silhouette against the morning light, tending to the blooms that whispered of life’s spectrum.

“Blossoms of Faith: The Uniting of Eli and Grace”

Their eyes met, and in that glance, they recognized the familiar shadows of loss that each had carried through the passing years. Eli was moved by the same hues that mirrored his stained-glass revelation, and shared his vision of the prism of hope, how the light fractured into a symphony of colors had offered him a glimpse of peace.

Grace listened, her heart resonating with the story he told, and in turn, she was humbled, and peeled back the layers that revealed the phantoms, of her own story, how the garden had grown from seeds of grief into blossoms of remembrance and hope. She spoke of the white daisies, pure and comforting, standing guard like clouds that promised rain’s end and sunshine’s return.

In the shared silence that followed, surrounded by the daisies’ gentle sway, Eli and Grace found a kinship. They understood that while their losses were unique, the path to healing was paved with the same petals of hope and rays of light. Together, they found solace not just in the garden or the prism, but in the presence of another soul who knew the language of loss and the colors of recovery.

As days turned to seasons, Eli and Grace’s friendship blossomed like the garden itself, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the restorative power of shared stories. Their bond became a beacon for others, a reminder that even in the deepest sorrow, there are prisms of hope waiting to refract our darkest moments into a spectrum of healing light.

In this narrative, Eli and Grace’s meeting is a natural convergence of their individual journeys towards healing. Their mutual understanding and the symbolism of the rainbow and prism serve as the foundation for a comforting connection that grows stronger with time, offering a message of hope and unity for my readers.

In the context of the story of Eli and Grace, the rainbow as God’s covenant can be woven into the narrative as a symbol of divine promise and hope. Here’s how one might explain it:

In the aftermath of the great flood, as told in the book of Genesis, God set a rainbow in the sky as a sign of His covenant with Noah and all living creatures. This covenant was God’s solemn promise that He would never again destroy the earth with a flood. The rainbow, therefore, stands as a perpetual reminder of God’s mercy, grace, and faithfulness. It is a symbol of hope and renewal, a visual testament to the enduring nature of God’s commitment to His creation.

Incorporating this into the story of Eli and Grace, the rainbow in Grace’s Garden could be seen as a reflection of this covenant. Each time the sun breaks through the rain and the colors arc across the sky, it’s as if God Himself is reaffirming His promise not just to the world at large, but personally to Eli and Grace. The rainbow’s presence in the garden becomes a tangible sign of God’s grace, enveloping them in the assurance that out of their storms of grief, both beauty and peace will emerge.

The rainbow thus serves as a bridge in their story, connecting their personal experiences of loss and renewal to the greater narrative of God’s love and providence. It’s a reminder that, just as the rainbow follows the rain, God’s grace follows the trials of life, offering a spectrum of hope that leads to a future where sorrow is no more.

By tying the biblical significance of the rainbow as God’s covenant into my blog post, I hope to offer my readers a deeper layer of comfort and assurance, that is rooted in the timeless promises of Scripture.

“The Colors of Comfort: God’s Covenant in a Rainbow Garden”

As the summer rain began to taper off, Eli and Grace stood side by side in the garden, their eyes tracing the path of the falling drops. The air was filled with the fresh scent of rain-soaked earth, and the daisies, heavy with raindrops, bowed gracefully under the weight.

Suddenly, as the clouds parted and a shaft of sunlight pierced through, the garden was transformed. A magnificent rainbow arched high above, its colors vivid against the grey sky. Eli and Grace watched in silent reverence as the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet hues painted the heavens, each color more brilliant than the last.

The rainbow seemed to rise directly from the heart of the garden, as if the daisies themselves had summoned it. The white daisies glowed with a newfound radiance, their petals reflecting the light, making them appear as if they were the source of the rainbow itself.

In this sacred moment, the rainbow stood as a testament to God’s covenant, a divine brushstroke of assurance that no storm was too great to overcome. For Eli and Grace, it was a sign of hope, a reminder that even the deepest grief could give way to beauty and peace. They knew then that their garden was not just a place of growth and remembrance but also a sanctuary where the promises of God were as real and vibrant as the rainbow that graced their sky.

This addition to the story creates a poignant scene where the appearance of the rainbow serves as a powerful symbol of God’s covenant and the enduring hope that follows life’s storms, providing a moment of divine comfort for Eli and Grace.

In the quiet aftermath of the rain, as Eli and Grace beheld the sudden arc of colors stretching across the sky, a profound sense of awe enveloped them. The rainbow, resplendent and serene, was more than just a visual marvel; it was a divine signal that resonated deep within their souls.

For Eli, each band of color was a tender reminder of the family he once held close, now cradled in the Lord’s embrace. The rainbow’s presence was a balm to his heart, a celestial affirmation that his loved ones were at peace and that he, too, would find solace and purpose in the days to come.

Grace, standing beside him, felt the stirrings of a kindred spirit. The rainbow was a testament to their shared faith, a sign that they were indeed equally yoked in their journey forward. It was as if the heavens themselves were acknowledging their union, blessing their combined path with the promise of God’s glory.

Together, they understood that the rainbow was not just a covenant of old but a personal covenant for them as well. It was a pledge of divine companionship and guidance, a colorful bridge leading them to a future where their lives would intertwine for a greater purpose.

As they gazed upon the rainbow, they felt the emergence of new wings of purpose, lifting them above the valley of shadows into the light of God’s grace. The awe and wonder they experienced were not just for the beauty of the moment but for the realization that their lives, once fragmented by loss, were now being woven together into a tapestry of hope and service for God’s glory.

In this sacred convergence, Eli and Grace found more than comfort; they discovered a shared destiny. The rainbow, with its harmonious blend of colors, symbolized the unity of their spirits and the dawn of a new chapter where, together, they would soar on wings of purpose, honoring the memories of those they cherished and living fully in the light of God’s love.

As the rainbow’s colors began to fade into the soft light of dusk, Eli and Grace found themselves drawn closer, their hands reaching for one another. Their fingers intertwined, a physical manifestation of the spiritual bond they felt, and together they clasped hands firmly, a silent vow to support and uplift each other.

Looking up to the heavens, they offered a prayer of gratitude. “Lord,” they began in unison, “we praise You for this divine unity. We lay down the burden of death at Your feet and embrace the joy of Your salvation.” Their voices, harmonious and fervent, rose above the garden, a melody of worship for the grace that had been bestowed upon them.

Eli and Grace knew that their union was not just for solace but for a higher calling. They envisioned their home as a sanctuary, a place where the weary could find rest and the lost could encounter salvation. They imagined sharing meals and cups of coffee, each interaction woven with the scripture that adorned their home, creating opportunities for seeds of faith to be sown.

Their garden, once a private refuge, would now become a beacon of hope, a testament to the power of shared faith and hospitality. They committed to using their joined lives for God’s glory, to see others lifted from despair and brought into the light of truth and love.

In this moment, as they praised God for the new wings of purpose they had been granted, Eli and Grace felt a profound sense of peace. They were no longer two solitary souls navigating the aftermath of loss; they were a united force, equally yoked, ready to serve and witness the transformative power of God’s love in the lives of all who crossed their threshold.

In Conclusion

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow upon the garden, Eli and Grace stood hand in hand. Their hearts overflowed with gratitude, and their voices lifted in unison, a harmonious symphony of praise. Their prayer reached the heavens, a fragrant offering of thanksgiving for the divine unity that had woven their lives together.

They knew that their union was more than companionship; it was a sacred calling. Their home, nestled amidst blossoming flowers and ancient trees, would be a sanctuary—a place where weary souls could find solace and the lost could encounter redemption. Eli and Grace envisioned shared meals, laughter, and conversations infused with the living Word. Scripture adorned their walls, a constant reminder of God’s promises and grace.

The garden, once their private refuge, transformed into a beacon of hope. Its pathways led not only to fragrant blooms but also to eternal truths. Eli and Grace vowed to use their joined lives as vessels for God’s glory. They would extend hospitality to strangers, inviting them to partake in simple meals and perhaps a warm cup of coffee. Each interaction would be an opportunity to sew seeds of faith, to witness the transformative power of God’s love.

And so, they stood there, bathed in the fading light, feeling the weight of purpose settle upon their shoulders. No longer two solitary souls navigating grief, they were a united force—an embodiment of grace and redemption. Their love story became intertwined with the grand narrative of creation, redemption, and eternity.

My Reflection:

As I penned the tale of Eli and Grace, their joys and sorrows echoed within me. Their journey mirrored my own—a tapestry woven with threads of grief, compassion, and healing. I discovered that guilt and condemnation, like shadows, distort our perception. Faith and trust, though inseparable, require distinct steps. In Genesis, I glimpsed God’s unwavering grace, sustaining us even in sorrow’s darkest hours.

Hope and Purpose:

Our shared human experience binds us. Through grief, we find hope; through sorrow, purpose. Rainbows and daisies—the eternal threads—connect us to something greater. Our stories, etched by the Author of life, as it intersects with others’. We are not solitary wanderers but part of a cosmic narrative.

Eternal Threads:

God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit—the trinity of life— as they gently tend to our souls. They weave our lives into a beautiful tapestry. Each encounter, each meal shared, becomes a brushstroke in this masterpiece of harvesting souls. The lost find salvation, the thirsty drink from living waters, and the hungry feast on the bread of life.

My Eternal Desire:

May my service and hospitality reflect His presence. May those who cross the threshold of my garden, through my job, my website, it’s blogs or my home, encounter the Creator himself—the source of boundless joy, grace, and gratitude. And as the sun rises anew, may our lives continue to echo the melody of worship, harmonizing with the eternal song of love and redemption.