A Letter To The Commander

Dear Sir, 25-SEP-2003

Just a few lines today, and then I’ll be on my way.
You have a soldier of mine, standing proudly in your line.
I entrust him to you, because to his country his heart is true.
I wanted to be selfish and keep him here with me,
but what kind of life would that ever be?
Not that it matters to you, but I have some things to share just a few.

I love that soldier of ours, and I don’t want him going down like
the twin towers.
I am his wife; we share a wonderful and beautiful life.
We have no papers for you to view,
his duty and honor took him away before we could say I DO!
It’s enough for me to know that we are married in our heart,
that little piece of paper is the only missing part.
My love for him could never be truer, so I beg of you.

Please do your best to keep him safe from the way of harm,
bring him safely back to my arm.
Try to remember that just like your wife I too worry day and night,
and if something should happen to him don’t let them forget about me
I’ve surely earned that right.

Then when his job is done, let him know he will always be the one.
Until his duty is through, I entrust him to you!
Just how lucky you are I hope you know, for me to trust you with my hero.

May God above bless your life as richly as he has blessed mine
and keep you too safe from harm’s way today and always.

From his wife: Brenda Belden (Bayless)

copyright 2003

Brenda Bayless