Finding Your Purpose in God

Finding your purpose in God is a journey. For believers, the Bible provides valuable insights and guidance to discovering what God created you for.

Ephesians 2:10 is a good place to start.

Ephesians 2:10 (ESV) states, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” This verse emphasizes that we are God’s masterpiece, intricately designed for a specific purpose. To understand this purpose, let’s break down the verse:

“His workmanship”: Recognize that you are a divine creation, crafted by God Himself. He is the potter, you are the clay. He is able to mold you and shape you – as long as you are humble and submitted to Him.

“Created in Christ Jesus”: Your purpose is intricately connected to your relationship with Christ. Understanding and following Him is key. All believers have been born again by the Spirit of God. Christ now dwells in you and He is leading and guiding us. We are a new creation in Christ.

“For good works”: God has a purpose for you that involves contributing positively to the world around you. Ask God what good works He has for you to do.

“Prepared beforehand”: Your purpose is not random; God has a plan specifically designed for you. Since He knows all things and time and space are irrelevant to Him, He knew before the world began who you are and what you would do in this life.

“That we should walk in them”: Actively living out your purpose is crucial. It’s a journey, a walk, not a one-time event. And it continues your own life. We grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We go from glory to glory. There is ALWAYS more – more understanding, more wisdom, more revelation, and more to do.

5 Steps To Uncovering His Purpose For Your Life

Step 1: Seek God in Prayer Daily

To discern your purpose, engage in prayer. Spend time in God’s presence, seeking His guidance. Share your thoughts, fears, and desires with Him. This is a daily practice.

Step 2: Read and Study God’s Word

God’s word is a light to our feet and a light to our path. Only through reading and studying the Bible will you gain a deeper understanding of God’s character, His will, and His plans for you (and all of humanity). Explore scriptures beyond Ephesians 2:10 that highlight the broader concept of purpose, such as Jeremiah 29:11, Proverbs 19:21, and Romans 8:28.

Step 3: Identify Your God-Given Gifts and Passions

God has given you unique gifts that make up the essence of who you re. Reflect on your natural talents, skills, and passions. God often aligns our purpose with the unique gifts He has given us. Consider how these abilities can be used to glorify God and serve others.

As you recognize and understand these God-given gifts and passions, you can channel them to glorify God and serve others. Your talents, when used for positive impact in the world, become an act of worship. This step emphasizes that your purpose is not self-centered but involves actively engaging with your unique attributes to meet the needs of those around you. By embracing and utilizing your gifts, you play an integral role in the unfolding of God’s divine plan for your life. Ultimately, this is a journey of self-discovery and intentional contribution to the greater good.

If you’re struggling to think of your innate skills or talents, take a moment for self-reflection. Consider activities or tasks you enjoy, even if you don’t think you’re particularly skilled at them. Sometimes, interests can be indicators of latent talents.

Ask for feedback from friends, family, or colleagues. Others may have insights into strengths you may not recognize in yourself. Don’t overlook your talents just because they come naturally to you.

Explore new activities or hobbies to uncover hidden talents. Whether it’s painting, playing a musical instrument, cooking, or engaging in sports, experimentation can reveal skills you might not have noticed before.

Consider taking personality assessments, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or StrengthsFinder. These tools can offer valuable insights into your individual strengths and preferences.

Seek guidance from career counselors, life coaches, or mentors. Professionals trained in career development can provide assessments and insights tailored to your unique qualities.

Reflect on childhood interests. Often, these can offer clues about innate talents. Think about what brought you joy and excitement in your early years, as these might reveal enduring skills.

Keep a journal to document your daily activities, experiences, and feelings. Over time, patterns may emerge, and you might notice recurring themes or areas where you naturally excel.

Remember, talents can evolve and develop over time. Be open to learning new skills and stepping out of your comfort zone. And always seek God about what HE put in you.

Step 4: Seek Wise Counsel

Connect with mentors, church leaders, or fellow believers who can provide guidance and insight. Their experiences and perspectives can offer valuable wisdom as you navigate your journey of discovering your purpose.

Step 5: Take Action and Serve Others

As Ephesians 2:10 suggests, your purpose involves “good works.” Actively engage in serving others, whether in your community, church, or through various charitable efforts. Serving is a practical way to live out your purpose and make a positive impact.


What Are Good Works According To The Bible?

Love and Compassion:

Scripture Reference: Matthew 22:39 (ESV) – “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Acts of love, kindness, and compassion towards others are considered essential good works. This includes caring for the needs of those around you and demonstrating the love of Christ in practical ways.

Justice and Righteousness:

Scripture Reference: Micah 6:8 (ESV) – “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

Engaging in actions that promote justice, righteousness, and fairness align with the biblical concept of good works. This involves standing up for the oppressed and advocating for what is right.

Generosity and Charity:

Scripture Reference: 1 Timothy 6:18 (ESV) – “They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share.”

Acts of generosity, sharing with those in need, and supporting charitable causes are considered good works. The Bible encourages believers to be generous with their resources and blessings.

Discipleship and Evangelism:

Scripture Reference: Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV) – “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”

Spreading the message of Christ and making disciples is viewed as a fundamental good work. Sharing the gospel, teaching others about God’s love, and leading people to faith are considered acts of obedience and service.

Humility and Servanthood:

Scripture Reference: Philippians 2:3-4 (ESV) – “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.”

Acts of humility, putting others first, and serving with a selfless attitude are regarded as good works. Humble service reflects the example of Christ and is pleasing to God.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation:

Scripture Reference: Ephesians 4:32 (ESV) – “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”

Extending forgiveness, reconciling with others, and promoting unity are considered acts of goodness. These actions reflect God’s grace and forgiveness.


How Can These Good Works Translate Into A Career Path?

While specific career paths may differ, here are some general ways to translate the concept of good works into your chosen vocation:

Service-Oriented Professions:

Choose a career that allows you to directly serve and help others. This could include professions such as social work, counseling, healthcare, or non-profit work. These careers provide opportunities to demonstrate love, compassion, and kindness in practical ways.

Justice and Advocacy:

Pursue a career that involves advocating for justice, fairness, and righteousness. This could include roles in law, human rights organizations, or advocacy groups focused on addressing social issues. Working towards positive societal change reflects the biblical emphasis on justice.

Generosity in Business:

If you are in the business world, incorporate principles of generosity and ethical business practices into your work. Consider how your business decisions can positively impact both employees and the community. Supporting charitable causes or establishing corporate social responsibility programs are ways to express generosity through your career.

Discipleship and Mentorship:

Regardless of your profession, prioritize mentorship and discipleship. Invest in the growth and development of others, both personally and professionally. This can be done through formal mentorship programs or informal relationships where you share your experiences and provide guidance.

Humility in Leadership:

If you hold a leadership position, lead with humility. Prioritize the well-being of your team, value their contributions, and create a positive and inclusive work environment. Demonstrating servant leadership reflects biblical principles of humility and putting others first.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation:

In any career, cultivate a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation. Handle conflicts with grace, seek resolution, and promote a culture of unity and collaboration. This approach fosters a positive work environment and reflects the biblical call to forgive as Christ forgave.

Sharing Your Faith:

Look for opportunities to share your faith within the bounds of professionalism. This could involve sharing your testimony, living out your values with integrity, and being a positive influence on colleagues. Being open about your faith can create opportunities for conversations and reflections.

Community Engagement:

Get involved in community initiatives and projects that align with your values. This could include volunteering, organizing community events, or participating in projects that contribute to the well-being of the community. Engaging with your community allows you to live out your faith beyond the workplace.

Discovering your purpose in God is a lifelong journey, but that doesn’t mean it has to take you a lifetime to get started seeking Him and doing good works. As you take action, trust that He is leading you every step of the way. By understanding Ephesians 2:10 and incorporating prayer, biblical study, self-reflection, and service, you can align your life with God’s intended purpose for your life. Remember, your purpose is not just about you; it’s about being a vessel for God’s use so that others will be blessed and you’ll bring glory to the name of the Lord.

Self-Reflection Questions:

Reflecting on Step 4, what natural talents or skills do you believe you possess, and how can you use them to glorify God and serve others?  How might these be connected to your unique purpose?

How can you deepen your biblical study to gain a clearer understanding of God’s character and His plans for your life.

In what ways can you enhance your prayer life to seek God’s guidance more intentionally in the journey of discovering your purpose?

What fears or doubts might be hindering your ability to fully embrace and pursue God’s purpose for your life, and how can you work to overcome them?

Reflect on your current involvement in serving others. In what ways can you expand or refine your acts of service to align more closely with God’s purpose for your life?

Who are the individuals in your life that you can seek wise counsel from regarding your purpose? How can you foster those mentorship relationships to gain insights and guidance?