From Shadows to Light: Embracing Self-Belief and Divine Purpose

In the quiet moments of reflection, I often find myself pondering the journey that has led me here. A journey marked by trials, yet illuminated by an unwavering faith that has been my guiding light. My grandparents had me in church every week and I Thank God they did!

Because had they not taken me to church, I would not know God!

As a child, my world was turned upside down, and the innocence of youth was marred by circumstances beyond my control. Raised by my grandparents from birth to the age 6, my life was wonderful!

But then my life turned tragic as I was ripped away from my grandparents to live with my father and my step-mom. I quickly learned resilience in the face of adversity.

The loss of my brother at such a tender age 9 was a wound that time could not heal, he was 8 when he died. Life was just never the same. My father made me believe that my mother was dead and that he was all I had. Of course that was not true!

It was in the depths of that sorrow that I remembered; the day I had accepted God into my life; before, my dad and step-mom took us. I found solace under the shade of a tree, through my dreams. My dreams cradled me.

I never forgot: where I first embraced God, and asked him into my heart. That tree in a park, where my grandmother led me to salvation;  it was etched into my mind, and lived on in my dreams. I had God! and I knew, that he would never leave me!

At 16 I escaped my father’s home, My Mother and my grandparents were still alive! They never gave up hope, that I would find my way back home. Life was not easy, I struggled through abuse, addictions, running away, hitchhiking, prostitution, stealing to survive, in and out of jail, bad marriages, suicide and yes at times: I doubted God! But as I sit here today, I know God never once gave up on me, he never left my side!

Perhaps my brothers death was a blessing, he was freed from the pain I endured, I know that Phillip would not have been as strong as I had been. He always tried to take my punishments, so I was spared the pain and wrath my father dealt out. But he was never as strong as I was. God Spared him, and for that I am Grateful! I know Phillip walks in Heaven!

The echoes of doubt and disparagement from my past still linger, at times. Yet, truth whispers: everything that once threatened to define me no longer has it’s hold. Those bonds have been broken, and I refuse to let them hold sway over my present or future.

For in God’s eyes, I am not defined by the scars of yesterday but by the potential of tomorrow. I am reminded that if I can believe in God, I can believe in myself! I am his Masterpiece; I am his Creation!

Belief in God is not just a matter of faith; it is a testament to self-belief. We are all crafted in His image, unique and beautiful in our own right. To believe in oneself is to recognize the divine spark within and to nurture it with love and conviction.

The words of Tom Selleck resonate deeply with me: “You never know, and when he looked down the road, he could not see the end.” It is a reminder that our vision may be limited, but our dreams are boundless. Harriet Tubman’s wisdom echoes this sentiment: “Every great dream begins with a dreamer.” It is through dreaming that we dare to envision a future filled with possibility.

The Divine Dance of Dreams and Self-Belief”

In the quiet chambers of our hearts, God weaves dreams. These dreams are not mere happenstance; they are divine whispers, invitations to co-create with the Creator. Today, let us explore the sacred dance between faith and dreams.

The Divine Tapestry: God Gives Us Dreams! Scripture tells us that God is the ultimate Dream-Giver. He paints visions on the canvas of our souls, each stroke infused with purpose. When we dream, we participate in the grand narrative—the unfolding of God’s design. Our dreams are not solitary; they echo eternity.

Beyond the Cosmos: While some seek cosmic alignment, we look higher. Our trust rests not in the universe but in the One who flung stars into existence. The cosmos may sway, but God remains steadfast. When we dream, we align with His heartbeat, transcending earthly bounds.

The Journey of Faith: Believing the Unseen. Faith is the bridge between the visible and the unseen. When God whispers dreams, He invites us to step onto that bridge. We don’t see the other side, but we trust the Architect. Abraham believed, and nations were birthed. Sarah laughed, and barrenness bloomed. Our dreams, too, hinge on faith.

Walking the Unknown Road: Like Abram, we journey without a roadmap. The road unfurls, winding through deserts and mountains. We glimpse the Promised Land, but the end eludes us. Yet, isn’t that the essence of faith? We walk, not knowing, but knowing the One who walks beside us.

Only A Dream Away: The Veil Thins. Dreams are the thin places where heaven kisses earth. When we dream, the veil between realms shivers. Angels tiptoe through our thoughts, whispering secrets. Dreams are God’s postcards—a glimpse of eternity, stamped with love.

The Potter’s Hands: Dreams mold us. We are clay in the Potter’s hands. He shapes our desires, aligning them with His will. Dreams aren’t frivolous; they’re blueprints for purpose. Harriet Tubman dreamed freedom, and chains shattered. Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed equality, and history bent toward justice. Our dreams, too, carry weight.

The Morning Star Beckons: In the quiet hours, when stars fade, dreams linger.  It’s a harbinger of hope. We wake, eyes still half-closed, and grasp fragments of eternity. Dreams are not distant; they’re only a heartbeat away.

Listen. God whispers. Your dream awaits. Dear dreamer, embrace the sacred paradox: Dreams are both fragile and eternal. As you step onto the road, remember: You’re not alone. The Dream-Giver walks with you. Your dreams—only a prayer away—are woven into the fabric of His love.

Life unfolds like a mystery novel, each page turned with anticipation. We walk along the winding road, our footsteps echoing in the vastness. You never know what awaits around the bend—a chance encounter, a hidden treasure, or a revelation that alters your course forever. Embrace the uncertainty; it’s where dreams thrive.

When I Look Down the Road, and when I can’t see the end. I am reminded that, It stretches like a ribbon of possibility, disappearing into the mist. And that’s a blessing. For if we knew the destination, would we still journey with the same fervor? The road invites us to dance with the unknown, to savor every step as if it were the first and the last.

As I build my websites and pursue my entrepreneurial dreams, I am reminded that each step forward is a step closer to realizing my purpose. My faith is not just a belief; it is an action—a commitment to manifesting the dreams that have been entrusted to me. It is a commitment to remain in prayer and meditate and to trust in Gods timing!

In sharing my story, I hope to inspire others to find strength in their struggles and to believe in the power of their dreams. For it is through belief that we can transform our lives and leave a legacy that transcends time.

2 thoughts on “From Shadows to Light: Embracing Self-Belief and Divine Purpose”

  1. Brenda this is absolutely beautiful. I am so happy in where you are with Jesus. I love you my sweet sister. May God continue to bless and keep you.

    1. Thank You, My Dear Sister, It warms my heart that you were here! I do hope when you need an encouraging word or two you will always feel welcomed in the sanctuary of Infinite Luxuries!

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