The Lion’s Might and the Lamb’s Heart: Thriving Authentically in the Corporate Jungle

The Art of Ethical Website Design: Creating a Positive Impact Online

Ethical website design goes beyond aesthetics and functionality. It’s about considering the complete user experience, including their needs, accessibility, openness, privacy, and sustainability. By adhering to ethical design principles, web developers and designers can build websites that cater to various users, offer detailed information, safeguard user data, and have a minimal environmental impact.

Here are some key principles of ethical website design:

Usability: A usable product is essential. Design should help users accomplish their goals, meet their needs, and be easy and pleasant to use. Consider factors like learnability, efficiency, memorability, error rates, and overall satisfaction. Intuitive and safe design fosters trust and positive experiences.

Transparency and Honesty: Be open and honest about how data is collected, used, and preserved. Users appreciate transparency, and it builds trust. Avoid deceptive practices or hidden agendas.

User-Centered Innovation: Put users at the center of your design process. Understand their needs, preferences, and pain points. Create content that resonates with them, rather than relying solely on statistics or trends and good SEO to get you to rank #1.

Nothing infuriates me more than needing to navigate a website that looks like it is on Wal Street and the Stock Market is going to crash. It is utter chaos; meanwhile: I am lost with people yelling go here, turn right! step down the bridge, and you will see it on the left…. Now run along I do not have time for you!

That is exactly how I feel when I get a chat bot, that asks how they can help and it sends me to 85 lengthy articles, to read before I find the answer I needed. Just put those articles into a video that people can watch and understand! There is a time and place for automation, and it is not when your customer needs help! Their time is valuable too! And it is a blessing for them to visit your website! Give the customer some respect.

Accessibility: Ensure your website is accessible to all users, regardless of disabilities. Follow web accessibility guidelines (such as WCAG) to make your content perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust.

Privacy: Safeguard user data. Clearly communicate your privacy practices, obtain consent, and protect sensitive information. Respect users’ right to control their data.

Sustainability: Consider the environmental impact of your website. Optimize code, reduce unnecessary resources, and choose eco-friendly hosting options. Sustainable design benefits both users and the planet.

Be Genuine with Branding: Showcase your personality and values. Avoid generic corporate imagery, after all a picture paints a thousand words. Color evokes mood, it arouses the spirit, it reminds people of memories, and creates an inviting atmosphere. Let your users see the real person behind the website you created, they are visiting your home away from home. Authenticity builds trust.

Quality over Quantity: Instead of bombarding users with countless articles, courses, and offers, focus on quality content. Offer in-depth courses that truly add value. Prioritize the user’s goals over your short-term gains.

Long-Term Relationships: Don’t promise quick wins or overnight success. Be realistic and ethical. Nurture long-lasting relationships with your audience.

Avoid Manipulative Tactics: Steer clear of dark patterns, aggressive pop-ups, and misleading marketing. Prioritize user well-being over short-term conversions.

Remember, ethical design isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. It adapts to changing norms, societal shifts, and user’s expectations. By weaving these principles into your website, you’ll create a positive impact and foster trust with your readers.

Nurturing Authentic Connections in a Corporate World: Why Ethical Design Matters

In a digital landscape dominated by corporate giants, it’s easy to feel lost in the noise. Websites like Amazon, Nike, and Walmart bombard users with offers, pop-ups, and aggressive marketing tactics. But what about the little people—the passionate bloggers, the small business owners, the dreamers who can’t afford million-dollar systems?

Ethical design is our beacon of hope. It’s about creating online experiences that prioritize users, authenticity, and genuine connections. Let’s explore how ethical design sets apart sites like and from the corporate behemoths.

  1. Authenticity Over Stereotypes A Personal Journey

At, This is a website that shares her faith, hopes, dreams and a personal healing journey. Her website isn’t a faceless corporation. It’s a canvas where she weaves narratives that inspire each person that visits. She paints an image of who she is in each image carefully chosen on the website’s pages. Visitors see Brenda’s personality, her heart poured into each article. No stock photos of techie-looking people at desks—just Brenda, her tables filled with milk, wheat, honey and oils. She paints a beautiful canvas of bountiful harvest and nourishment.

Corporate Giants: The Stereotypical Approach

Amazon, Nike, and Walmart? They’re all about efficiency, but at what cost? Their cookie-cutter designs lack soul. Faceless buildings, generic FAQs, and chatbots—no room for genuine connection. They’re after your wallet, not your well-being.

  1. User-Centered Innovation A Haven for Dreamers isn’t just a store; it’s a sanctuary. Dreamers find handcrafted treasures, and the site whispers, “You matter.” The design caters to their needs—intuitive navigation, heartfelt product descriptions, and a sprinkle of magic.

Corporate Giants: The 30-Day Hype

Click Funnels and Grant Cardone promise riches in 30 days. But for whom? Their rabbit holes overwhelm. Little people need depth, not quantity. Infinite luxuries know this; they nurture relationships, not quick wins.

  1. Transparency and Respect The Heart Behind the Pixels

Brenda’s site is transparent. She respects user data, communicates privacy practices, and builds trust. No dark patterns or hidden agendas. Just Brenda, her words, and a genuine desire to connect.

Corporate Giants: The Data Harvest

Amazon’s algorithms know you better than your best friend. But do they care? They sell your data, bombard your inbox, and leave you poorer. Ethical design? That is just not their priority. The more products they can put your eyes on the more money they earn.

  1. Sustainability and Simplicity Eco-Friendly Elegance

Minimalist design, eco-conscious hosting— treads lightly. They know beauty doesn’t require excess. Sustainability matters.

Corporate Giants: Digital Gluttony

Forbes and Walmart? Bloated code, resource-hungry pages. They’re the SUVs of the web. Ethical? Not so much.

Conclusion: Your Website, Your Voice

As a blogger, designer, or dreamer, your website speaks volumes. Choose ethical design. Be Brenda, not Amazon.  Dare to be different, the right people will find you! Prioritize, people over profits. Let your pixels tell your story— that is the one story that truly matters.

Remember, ethical design isn’t a luxury; it’s a responsibility. Let’s create ripples of authenticity, one pixel at a time.

Simplicity in Web Design: Your Authentic Voice

  1. The Power of Simplicity

Simple websites have a unique charm—they cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters. Here’s why simplicity matters:

Easier Navigation: Simple sites declutter the experience. Fewer pages, cleaner layouts, and consistent navigation make it easier for users to find what they need. Imagine a serene garden path—no distractions, just a clear route to your destination.

Faster Loading: Simple designs mean smaller file sizes. Faster-loading pages enhance user experience and keep visitors engaged. Think of it as a swift, smooth journey rather than a traffic jam.

Content Clarity: When decorative elements step aside, your content shines. Visitors scan content quickly, seeking value. Simple designs put your message front and center, making it more “scannable” and user-friendly.

  1. Dark Patterns: The Temptation of Deception

Dark patterns are the villains of web design. They manipulate user behavior, often against their intentions. Here are some notorious ones:

Friend Spam: Have you ever granted an app access to your contacts, only to find it spamming your friends? Dark patterns exploit trust for their gain.

Forced Continuity: Sneaky subscriptions that auto-renew without clear consent. Users end up paying for services they didn’t want or know they subscribed to.

Hidden Costs: E-commerce sites that reveal extra fees at checkout. It’s like buying a ticket to paradise, only to discover the fine print.

Privacy Zuckering: Named after Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, this pattern tricks users into sharing more personal data than they intended.

  1. Your Authentic Voice Matters

Remember, your website is your canvas. It’s where you express your purpose, values, and personality. Here’s why your voice matters:

Connect with Your Tribe: Authenticity attracts like-minded souls. When you share your journey, struggles, and triumphs, you resonate with those who need your message. It’s not about the masses; it’s about the impact that you make individually.

Escape the Algorithm Trap: Algorithms prioritize paid content, but your voice isn’t for sale. Don’t let metrics dictate your worth. Focus on reaching the hearts that need your words, even if it’s just one person.

Brand Identity: Your brand isn’t a logo—it’s the essence of who you are. Simple, genuine design reinforces your brand identity. Visitors should feel like they’re meeting you, not a faceless corporation.

  1. The Road Less Traveled

Be Different: Embrace your uniqueness. Cookie-cutter websites fade into the background. Stand out by being true to yourself.

Purpose Over Algorithms: Algorithms change, but your purpose remains. Create content that aligns with your mission. The right people will find it.

Balance Simplicity and Impact: Simple doesn’t mean bland. Use your voice to create impact. A single heartfelt post can touch lives more than a thousand generic ones.

Remember, your website isn’t just code—it’s your legacy. So, weave your story, share your wisdom, and let your voice echo across the digital landscape.

Embracing Complexity: The Unseen Beauty in Overthinking

In a world that often praises the ‘less is more’ approach, there’s an unspoken beauty in the minds that wander through the intricate labyrinths of thought. “Keep it simple stupid,” that’s what they say. But what if the complexity of our thoughts is not a flaw but a feature?

For those of us who tend to overanalyze, the idea of a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ feels like an unfinished painting—there’s so much more beneath the surface waiting to be explored. Our minds are not satisfied with the superficial; they crave depth, understanding, and connection. This relentless pursuit of meaning might seem cumbersome to some, but for the creative soul, it’s the very essence that fuels innovation.

Take, for instance, the art of wordsmithing or the meticulous craft of building a website. These are not tasks for the faint-hearted. They require a vision that sees beyond the ordinary. It’s a vision that can transform a blank canvas into a masterpiece. Websites like and are testaments to this creative spirit. They embody the essence of beauty as perceived by their creator, a beauty that’s not confined by rules or conventions.

It’s true, the rules of tone, punctuation, and grammar are important. Yet, they are but tools to convey a message, not the message itself. The heart of communication lies in the impact of the words, the emotions they stir, and the thoughts they provoke. As a wordsmith, one might weave the same message in ten different ways, each resonating with a unique frequency, each touching a different soul.

In this journey of self-expression, we inspire others to embrace their authentic selves. We remind them that their existence is not a random act but a deliberate creation, designed to fulfill a higher purpose. It’s a call to recognize that change is not just an external force but an internal choice. “Nothing changes until you change,” a statement that echoes the teachings of T. Harv Eker: “If you want new fruits, you must start with the roots.” The roots of our thoughts, which determine our actions, shape our habits, and ultimately dictate the outcomes of our lives.

So, let us not shy away from the complexity of our thoughts. Instead, let’s celebrate it, for it is the wellspring of our creativity. Change is hard, but it’s also inevitable. It happens every day, with or without us. But when we embrace it, when we become the architects of our own design, transformation happens, that’s when the magic opens opportunity. That’s when we grow new fruits from the same roots.

The Heart and Willingness to Change: Beyond Yes or No

When confronted with the question, “Do you have the heart and willingness to change?” a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ might not suffice. Change is a multifaceted journey that encompasses more than just a decision. It’s a commitment to personal evolution while staying true to oneself. I might have the heart of a lamb, but I have the courage and the strength of a lion, so if I need to change something within before I can move forward and grow new fruits, then I will prune a few roots; but I will not kill the tree in the process.

Yes, I have the heart to change; it beats with the rhythm of growth and learning. And yes, I possess the willingness to transform; it’s the fire that fuels my desire for improvement. But this willingness is not a blind leap into the unknown. It’s a conscious choice to evolve without losing the essence of who I am.

Change should not be about conforming to someone else’s blueprint or losing oneself in the pursuit of an imposed ideal. It’s about recognizing the areas in our lives that could be better, understanding what needs to be altered, and then taking the steps to make those changes—all while holding onto the core values and unique traits that define us.

I am like clay in the potter’s hands, but even clay has its own texture, color, and form. The Divine Potter shapes me, but the inherent qualities of the clay contribute to the final masterpiece. God’s plan for me is unfolding, and it’s a plan more beautiful than anything I could conceive on my own.

So, to those who ask if I’m ready to change, know that my answer is not a mere ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ It’s an affirmation that while I am open to change, I will do so on my terms, in alignment with my purpose, and without losing the individuality that makes me, who God created me to be.

Let this be an invitation for you to reflect on your own readiness for change. Are you prepared to embark on this journey, knowing that it’s not just about altering your course but also about enhancing who you already are? Change is not a surrender of self; it’s an embrace of growth, a balance between adaptation and authenticity.

It All Starts With A Choice: The Line In The Sand Moment

Life’s journey is riddled with lessons that grow ever more complex, tests that become increasingly challenging, and job interviews that demand skillful replies. We’re often faced with cookie-cutter questions that seek cookie-cutter answers. But what if the real answer lies beyond the confines of these predefined shapes?

The ‘Line in the Sand’ moment is heralded as a pivotal point, a decision that defines us. Yet, for many, such a moment is an abstract concept rather than a clear-cut event. Our lives are not a series of isolated incidents but a continuum of experiences that shape us into who we are. For me, there was no singular moment of epiphany, no dramatic turning point. Instead, my life has been a relentless push against the boundaries, a testament to resilience in the face of adversity.

My strength lies in my tenacity, my unwavering spirit to overcome the hurdles that life throws my way. This same strength, however, is also my greatest vulnerability. Striking a balance is a constant struggle—a dance on the tightrope of life where one misstep could tip the scales. Yet, it is this delicate act of balancing that defines the essence of survival.

In the realm of job interviews and life’s myriad tests, I refuse to be reduced to a mere answer that fits neatly into someone else’s box. I am more than a response to a question; I am a story unfolding, narrative rich with triumphs and trials. I will not lose myself to fit the mold of another’s expectations. I am here to win, to succeed, but not at the cost of my integrity.

So, when asked why I am worthy of consideration, my reply is not rooted in a single defining moment. It is woven from the fabric of my entire existence—every challenge faced, every limit pushed, every victory earned. It is the acknowledgment that while I may not have all the answers, I possess the heart to seek them and the courage to embrace the unknown.

As we navigate the complexities of life, let us remember that our worth is not determined by our ability to provide the ‘right’ answer. It is measured by the depth of our character, the resilience of our spirit, and the authenticity of our journey. The true ‘Line in the Sand’ is drawn not by the questions we are asked but by the choices we make in answering them.

My Journey of Steppingstones

“Have you had your ‘Line in the Sand’ moment?” This question, often asked to pinpoint a pivotal change, assumes that life’s turning points are clear and defined. Yet, my life’s tapestry is woven with threads of many colors, each representing a step, a lesson, or a challenge that has contributed to the person I am today.

To say I’ve had a single ‘Line in the Sand’ moment would be to oversimplify the complex journey I’ve walked. My path has been marked by steppingstones, each one a testament to resilience, a story of survival, and a chapter of growth. From personal struggles to profound losses, from moments of rebellion to the pursuit of sobriety, my life has been a series of waves, each one shaping the shore of my existence in its own unique way.

I’ve faced the depths of sorrow and the heights of joy, and through it all, I’ve learned that change is not a moment but a mosaic. It’s not a single line drawn in the sand but a series of steps leading me forward. My journey has been about learning to build, to create, and to grow—not just in my professional endeavors, such as building websites and mastering new skills, but in the very essence of my being.

So, while I may not have a singular, defining ‘Line in the Sand’ moment, I stand here today as someone who has crossed many lines, turned many pages, and taken many steps towards creating a legacy that I can be proud of. My story is not one of sudden transformation but of continuous evolution, guided by a compass that points towards a future crafted by faith, determination, and the unwavering belief that I am exactly where I’m meant to be.

The Thorns In Our Side: Overcoming Challenges to Pursue a Dream

Starting an online business is a path filled with both promise and peril. It’s a journey that requires us to navigate through a thicket of thorns—challenges that test our resolve, our patience, and our faith. If Jesus Christ could wear a crown of thorns to the cross and take my pain and sins. Then for me to refuse to survive a few thorns in my side while building the dreams, and the business he blesses me with simply is not an option!

Financial Constraints: The Stewardship of Resources At 58 years old, I am standing at the crossroads of financial necessity and entrepreneurial aspiration, the decision to invest in an online business is not taken lightly. The Bible speaks of wise stewardship, and this principle guides us as we allocate our limited resources. Each dollar spent is a seed planted, hoping for a harvest in due time.

The Daily Grind: Seeking Liberation Through Enterprise

The daily routine can be a relentless cycle—working full-time, meeting quotas, and commuting without the luxury of a car. The cost of Uber rides eats into your earnings, a stark reminder of the need for change. Starting an online business offers a beacon of hope, a chance to break free from the shackles of a job that offers little security.

Self-Reliance: The DIY Spirit With no formal education to fall back on, the task of building a website becomes a personal crusade. Hours are poured into crafting a digital space that reflects my identity. I become the architect of my online presence, learning to construct product pages, shopping carts, and funnels—all without the means to hire help. Faith and Gods guidance has to be sufficient for a time.

The Positive Outlook: Crafting a Legacy Despite the thorns, my focus remains steadfast on the positives. Prayer, diligence, and a vision for a legacy fuel each of the efforts. I reject the cookie-cutter approach, striving instead to embody the unique creation God intended me to be.

The Corporate Giants: Finding Your Own Path

In a world dominated by corporate behemoths like Forbes and Amazon, the pressure to conform is immense. Yet, I resist. The gimmicks and outdated advice that flood the market only strengthen my resolve to forge my own path.

The Ethical Stand: Building Trust and Authenticity

My online business is an extension of each of my values. I seek to create a welcoming space where visitors can engage with their journals and my blog posts, get to know me, grow while they are here, and trust in an ethical stance. It’s not about quick profits; it’s about impacting lives and leaving a lasting legacy.

Daring to Be Different: Following God’s Plan

I understand that true success comes from following God’s plan, not the latest marketing fad. Wisdom, stewardship, and the gifts bestowed upon me are my guiding lights. As you yourself dare to be different, as you trust in God’s leading, knowing that as you follow, He will pave the way for you just as he has for me.

The Continual Bloom: Embracing Growth Amidst Life’s Gardens

My life, much like a garden, has been a testament to growth through both seasons of abundance and times of scarcity. The desire to cultivate my own business has been a seed within me, one that has weathered storms and basked in the sunlight of opportunity.

Years ago, as a single mother, I planted the first seeds—building websites with the hope they would flourish. Yet, financial constraints and the demands of life meant some of these early sprouts didn’t survive. But the roots remained, deep and resilient, nourished by a calling that transcended my circumstances.

In 2014, I found a new patch of fertile ground with Mary and Martha. As a consultant, I learned to nurture connections, to share products that resonated with my values, and to grow alongside a community. When the company evolved, so did I—from a consultant to a Founding Ambassador. This transition wasn’t an end but a reawakening of that initial dream, a reminder that every season of sowing has its purpose.

Now, as I embark on building anew, using a fresh domain and expanding on a platform that promises growth, I do so with eyes wide open. The thorns of past challenges—financial pressures, the steep learning curve, the need for self-reliance—are familiar companions on this path. Yet, they are not deterrents; they are reminders of the strength and wisdom gained through each trial.

As I answer this question, I stand at the cusp of a new beginning, one where the pains and frustrations of the past are the very nutrients enriching the soil of my future endeavors. With each step forward, I carry the lessons of stewardship, the dedication of a craftsman, and the faith of a visionary.

I am not just starting a business; I am continuing a journey that has been years in the making. It is a journey marked by a steadfast belief that with God’s guidance, the seeds sown in faith will, in time, yield a harvest of success and fulfillment.

The Pursuit of Progress: Redefining Perfection in My Life

Perfection is often portrayed as an immaculate state of being, but in my life, it has taken on a different meaning. It’s not about a flawless existence but about the pursuit of progress, the small steps forward that accumulate into significant strides over time.

A Perfect Day: The Symphony of Life’s Simple Pleasures

In my perfect day, perfection is found in the ordinary—the chirping of birds, the fragrance of blooming lilacs, and the warmth of the morning sun. It’s a day where the weight of financial burdens is lifted, not because of an abundance of wealth, but because of the assurance that my needs are met, and my family’s future is secure.

The Spa of Serenity: A Moment of Self-Care

I envision a day where self-care is not a luxury but a deserved pause—a visit to the spa, a moment to rejuvenate, and an opportunity to share these experiences with my daughters. It’s a chance to make up for lost time, to bond, and to create new memories.

The Great Outdoors: Reconnecting with Nature and Family

Taking my son camping or embarking on a family vacation represents more than leisure; it’s about reconnecting with nature, with each other, and with the essence of life. It’s about laughter around a campfire and stories shared under the stars.

A Home of Harmony: The Foundation of Legacy

My dream home is not defined by its size but by the love it holds—a place where grandchildren can play freely, where family gatherings are filled with joy, and where a porch swing becomes a seat for growing old together.

The Legacy of Life: Making Every Moment Count

As I contemplate the end of life, I don’t seek extravagance. Instead, I wish for a legacy that speaks of who I was and the lives I’ve touched. It’s not about the material but the mark we leave on the world.

The Essence of Being: Staying True to Myself and God’s Plan

Above all, my perfect day is one where I remain true to myself and to God’s plan for me. It’s a day where every action, every decision, and every moment align with the purpose He has set for my life. It’s a day where I can say, without a doubt, that I am living the legacy I hope to leave behind.

The Ripple Effect: Who Benefits From My Business’s Success

Immediate Circle: Family and Friends

Children and Grandchildren: They will inherit a legacy of faith-driven entrepreneurship, learning the value of hard work, stewardship, and the importance of integrating faith into every aspect of life. My business’s success means creating a financial cushion for them, ensuring their future is secure, and they can pursue their own callings, without financial strain.

Friends and Community: My success is a testament to God’s faithfulness, serving as a living testimony to those around me. It’s a beacon of hope that encourages others to persevere through their struggles and trust in God’s provision.

Customers: Strangers Turned Into Family

Faith Seekers: By offering products infused with scripture and faith, I provide more than just merchandise; I offer an opportunity for customers to weave their faith into the fabric of their daily lives, inviting God into their homes and routines.

The Curious: For those on the edge of faith, my business serves as a gentle invitation to explore deeper truths. Each product, be it from Mary and Martha or my own curated collections, they all carry the potential to spark curiosity and lead souls towards salvation.

Wider Community: The Unseen Beneficiaries

Charitable Causes: A portion of the profits will be dedicated to supporting causes that align with my faith and values, extending the reach of my business to touch lives beyond the immediate customer base.

Future Generations: The principles and stories embedded within this business will serve as a guide for future generations, encouraging them to live out their faith boldly and with integrity.

Personal Growth: The Entrepreneur’s Journey

Self-Discovery: Through the ups and downs of running a business, I’ll encounter lessons that refine my character, deepen my faith, and clarify my calling.

Spiritual Armor: Each day, as I don the apparel from, I’m reminded of the spiritual battle and the victory that faith assures. This symbolic armor not only protects but also proclaims my allegiance to God.

Global Impact: Faith Going Viral

Online Presence: Through and, I create a digital sanctuary where visitors can find solace, inspiration, and community. My blogs, poetry, and Bible studies offer nourishment for the soul, spreading the message of God’s love far and wide.

Viral Virtue: In a world where negativity often spreads rapidly, my sites aim to counteract this trend by making faith, hope, and love go viral. My content is designed to uplift, encourage, and guide readers towards a deeper relationship with God.

Three Years From Now: A Vision of Progress and Faith and Personal Milestones:

Financial Stability: Having a savings cushion equivalent to at least three months of expenses, providing peace of mind and the ability to weather unexpected challenges without financial stress.

Transportation: Owning a reliable car that’s fully paid for, offering freedom and independence to go where life and business may lead.

Debt-Free Living: Maintaining a debt-free status, with the bankruptcy of December 2023 well behind me and serving as a testament to overcoming adversity.

Professional Growth:

Business Flourishing: Seeing my business grow organically as well as through limitations to advertising budgets I will have to carefully craft, with increased traffic leading to consistent sales and a loyal customer base that resonates with my faith-infused products.

Time Investment: Having the ability to invest more time into your business, perhaps reducing the need to trade time for money as your enterprise becomes more self-sustaining. Not necessarily jumping ship and quitting my job but having enough security and confidence to know that if my job were gone tomorrow, I would be just fine that my income from my business would sustain me even if I had to tighten my belt and make a few sacrifices again.

Educational Advancement: Utilizing resources wisely to continue learning and growing professionally, whether through courses, memberships, or other means that enrich my business acumen.

Spiritual Fulfillment:

Faith in Action: Witnessing the tangible impact of my faith through my business, with every product sold and every interaction serving as a ministry and a witness to God’s love.

Community Impact: Making a difference in the lives of others, not just through my products but also through charitable contributions and acts of service inspired by my success.

Legacy Building: Establishing a legacy that extends beyond commerce, one that embodies prayer, perseverance, and the power of faith to transform lives. If my life is not a testimony it is nothing!

In three years, I want to look back not just at the milestones achieved but also at the journey itself— I want to remember the lessons learned, the faith that deepened, and the lives that I touched. Success isn’t just measured by numbers but by the progress made in living out my calling and the peace that comes from knowing that I have been on the right path!  The path that God has set for my life, and to know that I am not just living my purpose, but I am still serving his!