What My Kids Learned After Fostering a Puppy for a Weekend

A Tale of Joy, Heartache, and Divine Lessons, Experience is the best teacher.

Once upon a time, in a cozy little trailer house, my children and I embarked on an unexpected adventure—one that involved a furry, four-legged companion named Serenity. Our weekend puppy fostering experience taught us more than we could have imagined, weaving together moments of delight, sorrow, and spiritual revelation.

The Arrival of Serenity

Serenity, a tiny ball of fluff with soulful eyes, entered our lives like a gentle breeze. My kids’ faces lit up as they cradled her in their arms, promising to be the best puppy parents ever. Responsibilities flooded in: feeding, watering, bathing, walking, and the daunting task of potty-training. We were ready—or so we thought.

The Joys and Love

Oh, the joys! Serenity’s playful antics filled our home with laughter. She chased her tail, chewed on squeaky toys, and napped in sunbeams. Our hearts swelled with affection as we watched her explore the world with innocent curiosity. We became a family, bound by shared moments of puppy love.

The Pain of Loss

But life is not all sunshine and wagging tails. Serenity fell ill, her tiny body wracked by distemper. Our joy turned to anguish as we held her, praying for a miracle. The vet’s solemn words echoed in our hearts: “Sometimes, love isn’t enough.” Tears blurred our vision as we said goodbye to our sweet Serenity. Her brief presence left an indelible mark on our souls.

The Legalities and Practicalities

Beyond the emotional rollercoaster, practical matters demanded attention. We navigated the legalities of pet ownership—the fine print that often goes unnoticed. Licenses, vet bills, and the fine balance between pet-friendly homes and our transient lifestyle weighed heavily on our minds. My ex-husband’s cavalier approach to strays had scarred me, making me wary of ever opening my heart to another animal.

Puppy Baggage

As we fostered more puppies, we encountered “puppy baggage.” Shoes chewed beyond recognition, carpets soiled, and the chaos of untrained exuberance. Our well-intentioned rescues—often larger than expected—leaped onto unsuspecting guests, leaving them bewildered. We grappled with the reality that love alone couldn’t fix everything.

Lessons from the Divine

In our grief and frustration, we sought solace in faith. I believed that dogs were God’s earthly emissaries, teaching us unconditional love, loyalty, and forgiveness. Serenity’s brief life echoed biblical principles: the fragility of existence, the importance of compassion, and the pain of letting go. Our hearts expanded, embracing both joy and sorrow.

The Children’s Unique Perspectives

Each of my children processed Serenity’s passing differently:

  1. Bryana (12), the caregiver, panicked and called me, her voice trembling. “Mom, you have to come home! Serenity is dead!” Her empathy overflowed, and she felt the weight of responsibility keenly.
  2. Emily (9), the affectionate one, sat with Serenity, soothing her with whispered promises. “Everything will be okay. You’ll get better.” Her tender heart clung to hope.
  3. Rayme (7), my casual son, remained unflappable. “Stop worrying,” he’d say. “Maybe she’s just pregnant and about to have puppies.” His matter-of-fact tone masked his concern.
  4. Ashleigh (20), the tomboy and hunter, sought answers. “Animals only die if there’s a purpose,” she declared. Even from afar, she offered her pragmatic wisdom.
  5. Meagan (14), pragmatic yet guarded, buried her true feelings. “We can get another dog,” she said. Acceptance masked her grief, but it was her first encounter with loss.


Our weekend with Serenity was a microcosm of life—a tapestry woven with threads of love, loss, and growth. We learned that responsibility isn’t just about feeding and walking; it’s about nurturing a fragile soul. And as for my ex-husband? He’s now a reformed dog lover, committed to finding forever homes for strays.

In the quiet moments after Serenity’s passing, I turned to the Scriptures. The Bible, too, speaks of animals—their significance, their role in creation, and the lessons they impart. Here are some biblical principles that resonated with our experience:

  1. Stewardship: Genesis 1:26 reminds us that God entrusted us with dominion over the earth and its creatures. Our responsibility extends beyond mere ownership; it’s about caring for these vulnerable beings.
  2. Compassion: Proverbs 12:10 teaches that “a righteous man cares for the needs of his animal.” Our hearts expanded as we cared for Serenity, mirroring God’s compassion for His creation.
  3. Grief and Comfort: Ecclesiastes 3:19 acknowledges that humans and animals share mortality. When Serenity slipped away, we grieved, but we also found comfort in knowing that God cares even for sparrows (Matthew 10:29).
  4. Hope and Restoration: Romans 8:19-21 speaks of creation eagerly awaiting redemption. Perhaps, in some heavenly meadow, Serenity now plays freely, whole and healed.

So, if you ever doubt the divine presence, look into a dog’s eyes. There, you’ll find a glimpse of heaven—a reminder that love transcends boundaries and that, perhaps, dogs are angels in disguise.

Note: The names and details in this story are fictional, but the emotions and lessons are very real. 🐾